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Parent Announcements

VIth Form Leadership Workshops

VIth Form Leadership Workshops - Saturday, April 27 and Sunday, April 28

Leadership at Rumsey Hall is the act of intentionally modeling values — the undeniable expression of our honorable character traits within.

It is the intention of Rumsey Hall to provide a series of classes and workshops that deliberately instruct character growth and community values. This merging experiential learning with classroom discussion encourages students to identify their strengths and develop an understanding of what leadership means. Guided by the school’s pillars of SEL, we believe all students should be taught these skills and given the opportunity to practice agency, efficacy, and advocacy.  

The class component is called Cultivating Character and Community, or 3C. The class will consist of two, four-week sessions with a curriculum designed to support the aforementioned goals and also provide an introduction to the secondary school search process.  

Two outdoor adventure workshops are planned to further develop leadership, collaboration, and awareness of group dynamics. The outdoor adventure workshops are scheduled on Saturday, April 27 for day and boarding girls and Sunday, April 28 for day and boarding boys. These sessions will take place between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. on our low ropes adventure course. Day students are requested to be on campus for breakfast by 8:15 a.m. The day will conclude with a barbecue and games so the groups may enjoy some downtime together, with pick-up at 1:30 p.m.  

Should you have any questions about the classes or workshops, please contact Mr. Ough at Please also email him to discuss conflicts with attendance at the weekend workshops.